Student Leadership
Team Organization and OpportunitiesThe University Band's Student Leadership Program is a comprehensive leadership experience where students will develop their personal character, confidence, and leadership ability through real responsibility, peer interaction, group mentoring, and individual guidance. The Student Leadership Program is a significant commitment that lasts well beyond the end of "marching season" and focuses on your whole development as a young person of character!
- Maintain a 3.5 minimum GPA.
- Attend all leadership development seminars.
- Assist in the planning and coordination of all band events.
- Maintain a positive outlook and teachable attitude.
- Promote proper rehearsal etiquette and procedures.
- Provide encouragement and support to all band members musically, academically, and personally.
- Communicate responsibly with the band director on all pertinent matters.
Leadership Opportunities
- Team Structure
- Drum Major
- Section Captain
- Section Lieutenant
- Operations Officer
- Uniform Officer
- Facilities Officer
- Library Officer
- Communications Officer

The drum major is a personnel officer who facilitates the activites of the entire student leadership team.
A section captain is a personnel officer who works with directors, staff, drum majors, and lieutenants to facilitate the activities of a large section of the band.
A section lieutenant is a personnel officer who works closely with the members of a particular section to meet their needs and provide for their success.
The operations officer is a logistics officer who helps things run efficiently by facilitating the band's mobile equipment.
The uniform officer is a logistics officer who instills pride in our apperance by ensuring proper distribution and care of our apparel.
The facilities officer is a logistics officer who develops a culture of respect for our school facilities, classrooms, and other territories.
The library officer is a logistics officer who keeps the band's sheet music organized.
The communications officer is a logistics officer who uses social media and marketing strategies to promote the band's activities and keep members informed.