The University High School Band is proud to host the Florida Bandmasters' Association District VIII Jazz Music Performance Assessment and Solo & Ensemble Festival (or the FBADVIIIJMPA&S&EF for short.) This year's event will take place from February 7 - 9, 2019.
When parking buses during the day on Thursday or Friday, come into the east gate of the school, do a U-turn in the bus loop, and bring your students along the side of the band practice field (as indicated on the map above.) Concessions will be available here and students can use this as a "hang out" area while school is in session. The chorus room is nearby and can be used for instrument storage.
Once Solo & Ensemble begins on Friday afternoon, you can park anywhere there are spots available.
Beware! There is an imposter "University High School" in nearby Volusia County and you don't want to wind up at that one.
Our school's address is 2450 Cougar Way, Orlando FL 32817.